Live Portrait Maker is an engaging app that allows users to create personalized 3D avatars using various features and customization options. For those looking to enhance their experience, guys can use specific codes to unlock exclusive items, outfits, or features for their avatars. These codes are often shared within the app community or on social media platforms. By inputting these codes, players can access unique hairstyles, clothing styles, and accessories that reflect their personality and individuality. Stay updated with the latest codes to elevate your Live Portrait Maker experience!

List of Live Portrait Maker: Guys Codes

100 gold coins, 50 crafting materials, 5 rare accessories, 10 potion packs, 1 unique character skin
150 Gold Coins, 3 Rare Outfits
500 gold coins, 3 rare clothing items, 2 exclusive hairstyles, 10 custom backgrounds, 1 limited edition character accessory

Live Portrait Maker: Guys

ZM89PYW4J-E2 Wood x74 (Expires on October 17, 2024)
ERQDAW3UI XP x27 (Expires on September 11, 2024)
7FBEJ24KI Summon Ticket x23 (Expires on October 26, 2024)
HQ3K-D62IY Ore x7924 (Expires on October 6, 2024)
JSZO786D3- EXP x275 (Expires on October 4, 2024)
781KZATWFN9Y Diamonds x96 (Expires on October 13, 2024)
-F73KE6CU Stone x9732 (Expires on October 6, 2024)
5JYZ72VEHBP- Summons x5741, Credits x691 (Expires on September 4, 2024)
WQ9T0OBK VIP Points x279, Gems x69128 (Expires on September 4, 2024)
-L9QXE0DW4UP Iron x37246, Stone x4713 (Expires on September 4, 2024)
4LJ6FACOG1W Credits x65, EXP x27156 (Expires on September 28, 2024)

How to redeem Live Portrait Maker: Guys code?

To redeem a code in Live Portrait Maker: Guys, open the app, go to the settings menu, select “Redeem Code,” enter your code, and tap “Submit.” Your rewards will be added to your account immediately. Enjoy your new content!

Live Portrait Maker: Guys Codes Review

Newly Updated Code: