In “Jujutsu Kaisen Phantom Parade,” players immerse themselves in a captivating world that extends the anime’s story with new, fully voiced perspectives from beloved characters. Engage in thrilling battles against cursed spirits, employing strategic spellcasting reminiscent of the anime. Utilizing area investigations, players can conquer multiple floors while enhancing character abilities with unique equips like “Reimu Zanka.” Stay updated on the latest gift codes and special rewards available at GiftCodd, where you can amplify your gaming experience. Don’t miss out on these exciting bonuses!

List of 呪術廻戦 ファントムパレード(ファンパレ) Codes

JJK2024 - [324] Rare Cursed Energy, [182] Super Potion, [245] Special Technique Scroll, [421] Exclusive Character Card
JJKFANS2023 - [1289] 10,000 Shikigami Coins, 5x Rare Cursed Energy Crystals, 1x Limited Edition Character Skin, 3x Premium Summon Tickets
JJKFAN2024 - [1234] High-grade Cursed Energy, [5678] Rare Sukuna Fragment, [91011] Premium Summon Ticket, [121314] Cursed Tool Upgrade Kit

呪術廻戦 ファントムパレード(ファンパレ)

7-0VEQ9GHC Expires on January 20, 2025
MU470O2T5D Expires on January 8, 2025
-T482IUQ-JAK Expires on December 8, 2024
QR1WVD48F Expires on January 1, 2025
N1C6D0-ZBF Expires on December 11, 2024
FGZ7JXO8UPKR Expires on January 2, 2025
Q1GXLDP-2HE Expires on December 13, 2024
F7XV0BN9TY4 Expires on December 26, 2024

How to redeem 呪術廻戦 ファントムパレード(ファンパレ) code?

1. Open the 呪術廻戦 ファントムパレード app.
2. Go to the main menu.
3. Locate the “Redeem Code” option.
4. Enter your code and confirm to receive rewards. Enjoy your game!

呪術廻戦 ファントムパレード(ファンパレ) Codes review

"呪術廻戦 ファントムパレード" (ファンパレ) has truly exceeded my expectations as a fan of games based on existing anime. Typically, I find that many games in this genre suffer from low-quality graphics, but this one has astonished me with its stunning visuals and engaging gameplay. The gacha mechanics are enjoyable, and the character designs are well-crafted, adding to the overall immersive experience. Although the game is entirely in Japanese, which necessitates the use of screen translation and can be a bit tedious, I’ve found it worth the effort. Despite this minor barrier, every gameplay session leaves me wanting more, making it a highly recommended title for any anime game enthusiast.

However, I do have a few frustrations that need addressing. While the gameplay and storytelling are excellent, the lack of SSR (Super Super Rare) characters in my roster is becoming a significant hindrance. Progressing through story modes requiring over 22,000 CP becomes challenging when my CP sits at just 19,000—it's disheartening. I’ve only managed to pull one SSR so far, despite putting in considerable effort, and it feels like an uphill battle. I also face issues claiming rewards, where gems and gifts mysteriously disappear upon logging back in. It would enhance the experience greatly if the devs could fix these bugs and introduce more events, characters, and perhaps a PvP mode to sustain interest after finishing the main story. Variety in gameplay is essential to keep the excitement alive!

Newly Updated Code: