In “5 Nights at Timokha 4: School,” chaos ensues as Timokha showcases a giant, mouthwatering pie, inciting panic among students as the school year hangs by a thread! Players must step into the shoes of a brave school security guard, tasked with thwarting the mischievous boy’s antics. To aid your quest, gift codes are available at GiftCodd, offering exciting rewards to strengthen your defenses and restore order. Can you maintain control and save the school from impending doom? Get ready for a thrilling adventure!

List of 5 nights at Timokha 4: School Codes

XZ4K8P - 10 Gold Coins, 5 Health Kits, 3 Flashlights, 15 Scrap Metal, 7 Energy Drinks
FUNTIME2024 - [7834] 100 Coins, SCHOOLGHOST - [1942] Timokha Mask
XYT45KJ - 100 coins, 5 health potions, 3 rare books, 10 sanity snacks

5 nights at Timokha 4: School

W-JU62VF Expires on January 26, 2025
F1ZAR8N04 Expires on December 9, 2024
7-CFH03IP Expires on December 17, 2024
WZPUNH-8M74 Expires on January 6, 2025
QVJ8UI36 Expires on January 23, 2025
B8143GC6-Y Expires on December 31, 2024
5MG0D2QWUS Expires on January 19, 2025

How to redeem 5 nights at Timokha 4: School code?

1. Visit the official redemption website for "5 Nights at Timokha 4: School."
2. Enter your code in the designated field.
3. Click the submit button to confirm and receive your rewards or access to the game.

5 nights at Timokha 4: School Codes review

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